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Choosing a Corn Snake

Okeetee Cornsnake

Before anything, you must first check the snake for any signs of health problems. In your hands, it should feel smooth and firm but without any soft spots. Check the anal vent – there should be no signs of discharge. Its nostrils must be clear with no moisture and the mouth should close with no problem. Your snake shouldn’t have any breathing problems. You should also check the snake for any injuries. Try handling it carefully and examining it – with supervision, of course!

Make sure to ask the seller if the corn snake has eaten. If it hasn’t, don’t buy it – some hatchlings end up starving themselves to death. Ask if the snake is used to eating live or frozen mice.

Your corn snake shouldn’t have trouble calming down once it is picked up. It should be able to move without any problems.

It is always better to choose a corn snake bred in captivity, because wild corn snakes may carry with them health problems and parasites. They are also harder to handle. Corn snakes bred in captivity are easier to handle. 

List of Snake Breeders

While going to the local pet shop is convenient, going online to buy your corn snake may save you some money. If you want to see your corn snake up close and personal, however, you may want to opt for local breeders in your area. Go to reptile fairs. Speak to the breeders. Try looking for reptile or corn snake groups. The people in these groups are usually knowledgeable about reptiles and snakes, and may give you good advice on where to get your corn snake. You can also try visiting corn snake forums to ask for advice.

Below is a list of some of the different websites where you can get your corn snake. We have also listed some forums discussing corn snakes:

U.S. and U.K. Snake Sellers and Breeders:



Back Water Reptiles


BHB Reptiles


Helpful Groups and Forums: 

The Corn Snake Forum




Fauna Classifieds


Ian’s Vivarium


Reptile Forums UK


Still, the best way to ensure you get a healthy snake is by seeing it up close and personal, so it is highly suggested going to reptile fairs and meeting other people with the same interest in corn snakes. You’ll learn a lot, sure, but you may also will make a friend, or maybe meet your soul mate!

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